Maventra for Content Curators, Authors and Subject-Matter-Experts!

Use your knowledge and expertise to reach out to learners all over the world.

Educate, Inspire, Contribute and Earn!

Share, Educate and spread your knowledge and Expertise to users all over the world!

Its FREE to sign-up! Build awesome courses, publish articles, enjoy a fan following and make money. A full-fledged Ecommerce platform specially built to provide a wholesome experience to learners and learning community

How does Maventra for Subject-Matter-Experts work?

A simple 4-step process:

Author Registration 1
Author Registration 2

1) Sign-up

Create an account and start authoring a course. All that is required for you to publish courses in marketplace and start generating revenues is an Account
Author Registration 3
Author Registration 4

2) Plan and Create a course

Refer to our curriculum planning tool and start creating your course. Need help with course? Just send an email to
Author Registration 1
Author Registration 6

3) Publish to marketplace

Start distributing the course by publishing the curated content or course in Maventra marketplace.
Author Registration 7

4) Start earning

You are all set to generate revenues and collect your money!

Maventra Expert provides the perfect environment and tools to help Content Curators and Subject Matter Experts to set-up an independent business by sharing their knowledge & expertise.

Benefits to Content Curators and SMEs


Set-up your own business without any capital investment or outlay

Use your knowledge to create courses, publish it to the portal and start generating revenues!! It cannot get easier or simpler than that….right? No upfront investment required, no working capital and no other resources required other than your own knowledge and time.

Corporate Audience

Maventra caters to the needs of corporate employees training and is currently being used by many large companies to train their employees on a monthly subscription module. You can include your courses to be offered as part of the subscription offering to corporates and automatically get paid if your courses are selected by employees.

Engage and market your courses to users

Maventra lets you constantly engage with your users and keep them interested as well as motivated with blog articles, special offers & discounts, community module for interaction with all users and real time discussions through chat.

No long-term commitments or working hours

As a SME, you have the flexibility to be your own boss and work during hours that suit your convenience. You can build courses at your own pace and time using our content-creation tool. All that is required is some curriculum planning and teaching aids like audio, video and board to communicate with learners.

Help & Support

We have a separate team of content evangelists that can help you with content organization, design and support you through your journey of publishing content and selling it to customers. Our internal team of marketers and sales professionals can create a marketing promotion that will increase your sales and commission earnings.

Earnings & Payments

We take a very nominal fee from your sales earnings for the technology platform and support. You can track your earnings in real-time through the portal and the earnings are automatically credited to your account after adjusting taxes, refunds and discounts, if any. Set-up an account with Stripe or Paypal and configure it in the portal to receive your payments.

Access & Control

You have full control over the courses that you publish to the portal – including the content, presentation, duration and assessment.

Reporting & Analytics

You have access to real time reporting to view course enrolments, course progress, customers, sales and earnings.

Customer Engagement, marketing and communication

Create your own marketing offers, coupons, strategies and build a loyal customer base.